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  • #14008

    Towfiq I.


    It is Possible, There are plenty of free ecommerce plugins, like:


    Towfiq I.


    Try changing the color of the menu font from the Scylla PRO options.


    Towfiq I.


    add this to your stylesheet:

    #menu_wrap #topmenu ul li a{font-size: 18px !important;}


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Appearance> Editor and select stylesheet and add this line to the very bottom:

    #sidebar .widgets ul li ul {padding: 25px 7px 7px!important;}

    #sidebar .widgettitle {font-size: 20px;}

    then click the “Update File” button below.


    Towfiq I.


    1. Go to Appearance> Scylla Pro Options and click the “Image Logo” menu from right and check the “Disable Default logo” option and then upload the logo image.

    2. I am not sure what you are trying to say…. can you attach an image of the problem?


    Towfiq I.


    Since it is not a WordPress templae a HTML template you cannot install a plugin. It would be better if you link your portfolio in the template.

    I’d like to contribute a little bit to calliope and to your work – how can I ?

    You can always email me..


    Towfiq I.


    Try this after the </ul>:

    <ul><li><a href="#">New Menu</a></li></ul>


    Towfiq I.


    Replace this:

    <!--Menu Begin-->
    <div id="menu">
    <li><a class="active" href="index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="about.html"><span>About</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="#"><span>Services</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="#"><span>Contact</span></a></li>
    <!--Menu END-->


    Towfiq I.


    attach the whole edited version here(zip).


    Towfiq I.


    The names in the config files are case sensitive. If your images name is “slide5.jpg” it should be “slide5.jpg” in the xml file not “Slide5.jpg”


    Towfiq I.


    Fixed! Check Now!


    Towfiq I.


    They are in the Amphion Forum

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