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Small problems after upgrade to 2.0 Theron Lite Free

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite Small problems after upgrade to 2.0 Theron Lite Free

  • #24226


    Hello Towfiq i.
    How are you? Here it is extremely hot … anyway … after you have upgraded your Theron Lite template free at 2.0, two things have changed fundamentally.

    1. The Lobster Font that you could use in the Home as a welcome text is no longer available. It will be only in the paid version?

    2. I think, but I am not a technician, there is a “bug”. With the exception of the Home, all other pages, selecting -“Remove Right sidebar from all the pages and make the site full width”- exceed by more than 1cm black stripes. Before no…

    Thanks for your time
    All the best,


    Towfiq I.


    1. No. its there. I just double checked and the font is working fine in the lite version.
    2. Yes. Its a bug and will be fixed in the next version. To fix it yourself, Open up style.css and replace this:

    .theron_fullwdth_body .single_post{ width:940px !important;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body #content .single_wrap{ width:1000px;}

    .theron_fullwdth_body .commentlist{width:100%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body #commentform, .thn_fullwdth_body #newslider{ width:970px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-comment textarea{width: 570px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-comment{width: 600px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .field_wrap{width: 340px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-author input, .thn_fullwdth_body .comment-form-email input, .thn_fullwdth_body .comment-form-url input{width: 263px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .org_comment{ width:97%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .single_post .post img, .thn_fullwdth_body .type-page img, .thn_fullwdth_body .type-attachment img{ max-width:940px; height:auto;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .post_foot{width:1000px;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .share_this{width:960px;}

    with this:

    .theron_fullwdth_body .single_post{ width:90% !important;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body #content .single_wrap{ width:100%;}

    .theron_fullwdth_body .commentlist{width:100%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body #commentform, .thn_fullwdth_body #newslider{ width:96%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-comment textarea{width: 90%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-comment{width: 50%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .field_wrap{width: 50%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .comment-form-author input, .thn_fullwdth_body .comment-form-email input, .thn_fullwdth_body .comment-form-url input{width: 50%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .org_comment{ width:97%;}
    .theron_fullwdth_body .single_post .post img, .thn_fullwdth_body .type-page img, .thn_fullwdth_body .type-attachment img{ max-width:100%; height:auto;}



    Regarding the page width, I tried what you suggested for William by replacing the text in .css but nothing changed. The outline box still hangs 1cm past the alignment of the menu on all my pages except the homepage. Anything else you can suggest?


    Towfiq I.


    press ctrl + f5 couple of times to see the change.

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