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Photos not adding

Home Forums Misc. General Forums Photos not adding

  • #12007



    We just purchased the Triton pro theme to use at and it is not working properly, I suspect because of a permissions issue with WordPress needing write permission to do some of the work with created feature images and similar tasks.

    What directories might I need to look at in terms of a CHMOD? Do I need to set some directories to 777?

    What might I need to do to get the theme working well?

    I have used Triton Lite at and it worked fine. Now I have the problem at this other site.


    Towfiq I.


    The calender plugin you are using is causing this issue. Try disabling it.




    I deactivated that plugin for calendars and made some photos work at by selecting the slider or featured picture in WordPress and then creating photos of the right size and name and ftping them the files/2011/09/ to make it work, but find this tedious and a bit ridiculous. How can I set things to make WordPress do that work.


    Towfiq I.


    Why do you have to upload them with ftp? Uploading through wordpress should be enough.
