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lightbox/fancybox padding remove?

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  • #27616



    Is it possible to remove the white rim around the images?
    I don’t seem to find lightbox and/or fancybox items to adapt… padding I suppose?
    (rightmouseclick > inspect element > img#fancybox-img ?)
    It’s important for me since with (quite) some photographs I like to see no rim around it.. it looks better without.
    And did i see right that also it is possible to mouseclick ON the popped up lightbox-image so it returns to the menu?

    Many thanx


    Towfiq I.


    add this to your stylesheet:

    #fancybox-content{border: 0px solid transparent!important;}



    Ah you’re quick!

    Thnx! Almost gone,,, Already looking better but there seems to be a half-transparent bar left yet (right side of the image) which I suppose belongs to the little x in the circle upper right corner to click this window away..? (and go back to the menu) If there is a chance to use the surface of the image to replace the function of that button (close and get back to the menu/page) we might get rid of the button and half-transparent bar … but how to do this I couldn’t find out yet…

    I am very pleased with your design and Theme Options, very user friendly!


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    Hi Towfiz I

    Many thanx for looking into this! My websiteaddress (in building process) is




    another little question which maybe I will answer myself but just checking something because you know more…

    I find that sometimes (?) with uploading pics they do not react (the mousecursor doesn’t change and it doesn’t want to “click” to the picture. Is this because I do use too complicated naming of the pics? (example:in .menu>artistc>portraits> the 3rd and 4th pic, name 3rd: JosjeKobesDetF465.WM.xxs.jpg) . I do this because for me it indicates the few actions I let loose on the picture. I hope to find out if I should rename the pics which I will upload to the library or not…

    Thnx again


    Towfiq I.


    to remove the lightbox shadow add this to your stylesheet:

    .fancybox-bg, #fancybox-bg-n, #fancybox-bg-ne , #fancybox-bg-e , #fancybox-bg-se, #fancybox-bg-s, #fancybox-bg-sw, #fancybox-bg-w, #fancybox-bg-nw{display:none;}

    and about the mouse cursor issue, can you send me a page link where this is happening?




    ThnxPerfect! I found this also somewhere too but then it didn’t work (?!?) . Maybe I misplaced it or there was a typo which I couldn’t check (yet).

    The cursor issue happens here in the 3-rd and 4-th picture:

    (baidewai maybe I can pm you since some problems i will encounter will not be useful in this first question or if you don’t mind I will ask here.. i.e. close-button remove and make the picture/fancybox itself the close button?)


    Towfiq I.


    1. You forgot to link those 2 images to full images.

    2. Open up fancybox.js from the “js” folder and replace this line:

    'overlayShow' : true

    with this:

    		'overlayShow'	:	true,
    		'hideOnContentClick' : true


    Aha: I will try this also but to tell you the truth: the cursor-issue is randomly occurring… I just import images in the post from the library… I don’t really link them myself by scripting.. Sometimes it happens with one pic imported but mostly by importing multiple images in one time (selecting more than one in the lib.) and than usually it happens to the one coming on top.. So either the programming is missing something or it is possible my complex (photo)naming system is at fault after all.. Would be good to find out: I let you know when I can test this..

    About the white-rim remove: it works great! however the whole OUTSIDE of the picture is now sensitive for clicking and acting as a “close-button” … That’s no complaint but just to let you know this because I might even leave it like this and get rid of the close button completely .. it’s a bit different… πŸ™‚

    (though if you figure others can’t use this I also like to know how to only make the whole picture the close button if ever you get to that… the result maybe less playful but more business-like)



    o.k. in the danger of being the one with a pointed hat with ass’s ears in the corner:

    “Open up fancybox.js from the β€œjs” folder” eh.. where (can I find this) ? (hey: if only we were ALL programmers , eh? πŸ˜‰



    o.k. in the danger of being the one with a pointed hat with ass’s ears in the corner:

    “Open up fancybox.js from the β€œjs” folder” eh.. where (can I find this) ? (hey: if only we were ALL programmers , eh? πŸ˜‰

    (I was looking in the “options-medialibrary-uploader.php” since I thought the problem occurred from that but no luck)


    Towfiq I.


    You will have to login via ftp to access that file. if you dont know how to, use this plugin instead:



    you said:
    “1. You forgot to link those 2 images to full images.”

    You thought I had this linked to fullsize images and used the smaller ones as thumbnails? I thought I didn’t do this but intended to do that at first, thus the smaller ones are in the Lib. too, but I noticed it makes smaller images by itself a while ago so I abandoned that idea of using Thumbnails AND bigger pics .. ore efficient Lib. I would think…

    but I will try this last method too…



    Oh, initially I though since it is working I didn’t need the Fancybox-plugin… and since we are working here too already I thought I mention it and didn’t want to screw up a already working thing. Should I try and install that plugin too after all?? Or am I thΓ¨n creating more conflicts…?


    Towfiq I.


    so you want to disable the fancybox plugin?



    nonono πŸ™‚ not at all…! I like it how we got the rim of the Fancybox and the shadow gone..

    Since it wasn’t visible in the Pluginfolder I though it wasn’t installed but noticed it was working so I figured it must have been somewhere built in where I couldn’t see right away in the “easy” menus…
    But since I still can’t find it (yet) I though of asking you if it is wise to add this plugin (after all) , so it is seen in the pluginfolder, or if that would create even more problems of us trying to (also) get those (non-reacting) imported pictures to open in Fancybox if clicked upon… Someone else also helped me to get that code in it’s right place but it still doesn’t seem to work…
    Also: i don’t want to change too much so you won’t agree with it since it is your design but if you like the challenge/changes too then I don’t mind trying to figure this out and get the bugs out…


    Towfiq I.


    no. you dont need to install any other plugins. The fancybox thats working in your site is built in to the theme.

    and are you absolutely sure you linked those 2 images to their “Media File”?



    Ah o.k. thnx, I will leave it alone then : no extra importing of fancybox.

    Hmm I will try again but until now I was just importing images to the library and then to the pages and messages.. I hoped to find out what was “blocking” one and not another image to pop up in de Fancybox. (usually, but not always (!) it is blocking the top-image when more than one is imported) I will start over with the Library since it is not able to be shuffled once the images are imported, and then I will see if it re-occurs..



    Aha! the SC theme editor didn’t work at first: no wonder I couldn’t find the place to put your delivered code…

    But now the image itself is working as a close-button in Fancybox-mode as well!! THNX for this extra adapting possibility! πŸ™‚

    Now: with re-importing images I have no trouble opening them in Fancybox. I might just try and re-importing reluctant images and Email again only when the same problem re-occurs.

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