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Installation Failed

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  • #12073



    I’m attempting to upload the zipped file and I keep getting the error message “Installation failed. Destination folder already exists.” I changed the name of the zipped file and theme folder inside the zipped file and I am still getting the same error message. Please assist.

    Thank you.


    Towfiq I.


    can you extract the zip file and upload it via ftp?




    I’m not that advanced. How do I do that?




    I just looked in my FTP file manager and I see the Triton Upgrade is there. But it’s not visible as an active or available theme on the back end of my site. What do I do?


    Towfiq I.


    delete the folder and upload the extracted folder via ftp.




    I’m doing that and it’s not working. If you are able to give me further instructions, please do otherwise I will need to request a refund. I’ve never had an issue uploading a template before.


    Towfiq I.


    Remove the folder “Triton” then try uploading the theme from back-end.




    I did that. It’s uploaded. The site appears to have removed all of my navigation menu items. When I go to “menu” my previously saved menu is there, but I can not make it appear on my site.

    I’m also unable to activate my social icons. The Facebook, Twitter and RSS links take me to a 404 error page, despite being correctly input.

    Are you on Skype or GChat?


    Towfiq I.


    Did you assign the menus to a position?

    The social icons are redirected to a 404 page because you did not put the whole url in the field. you have to add “http://” before your urls, so it looks like:

    Sorry. I am not on Skype or GChat.




    I had the same problem. I went through wordpress- upload themes and uploaded the .zip. When I tried to activate it it said “Style sheet missing”. (stilmall saknas in swedish).

    I read this entry and tried to go through FTP. Check your webhost for your FTP account. (my webhost is loopia)

    After logging into the FTP client I went into my weppages files wp-content then .themes

    There I deleted both scylla lite and pro.

    I then extracted the folder (winxip extract) to my desktop.

    In the FTP client I marked the folder from my desktop and dragged it to the themes folder. (i.e. I uploaded scylla pro through FTP).

    My FTP client says that it was a sucess (I use filezilla).

    I then went to my wordpress admin page and in themes the scylla pro is now in the listing. I press activate and TADA!

    It works.


    Towfiq I.


    Good to know. 🙂

    amd thanks for the detailed instruction.