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Adding Google Plus to the social section

Home Forums Misc. General Forums Adding Google Plus to the social section

  • #12169



    Hi, I notice the social section allows facebook, twitter, youtube and others but how do I add a google plus page to it?




    Is it possible? My client has specifically asked for it after I’ve spent the last 3 days setting up the website so I can’t just tell him it’s not going to happen.




    Don’t worry, I’ve worked it out. If anyone else is wondering, I used one of the other icons (myspace in this case) and uploaded a new g+ icon to replace the myspace one. And of course, I set it to link to google+ in the Scylla Pro Options menu.


    Towfiq I.


    Sorry for being late. there is another way, copy the code and line from triton lite. It has a Google plus image.

    Anyway, good to know you fixed it.