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Typography Settings don´t work

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Typography Settings don´t work

  • #470147

    Vit Martins


    I changed the font for all header, menu and logo to be Open Sans but it is not working properly. When I open the web in Explorer and Firefox the font used for all but the logo is a serif one (Times New Roman or some similar font).

    I have tried to use the custom CSS to force it but it doesn´t work.

    Can you please help me with this?

    Thanks in advance


    Vit Martins

    Hi again

    Does someone know what is the problem? I also reset the settings to default and tried to change them again but nothing happens. The menu and headers are shown in a serif font and the font chosen in open sans, you can even see that it is chosen if you use Firebug or the element inspector.

    Thanks, in advance, regards



    Yeah I have to agree with this!!! Love the theme BUT MASSIVE issues with getting a simple task such as MENU FONTS to change!!! What’s going on please?

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