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Small Changes (Asteria Lite)

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Small Changes (Asteria Lite)

  • #546766



    Could you please help me with these changes?

    1- When I put the cursor on a link in the topmeu, its color change, but when I take the cursor out, it turns white and because the background is almost white, it “desappears”. How can I set it to be #333 all the time, for example? No color change at all! ?

    2- It’s almost impossible to click on a submenu link. It appears and desappears too fast. It’s like if it wasn’t “locked” in place.

    3- Is it possible to create the same animation we see in the blocks, in the “Welcome text”?

    4- How can I perfectly center the top menu?

    5- Is it possible to use a font of my choice in the topmeu? Will all the users be able to see it?

    Thank you so much!

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