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Slider Resizing Zooms in

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Slider Resizing Zooms in

  • #198819


    On my 12.5 inch display the sliders look perfect, but when I go up to a much larger one and expand the window the slider space gets bigger (of course) but for some reason it also zooms in and cuts things out. It is possible to keep the sliders static?
    Thanks you.


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    Sorry, forgot to include it. I noticed the hight resizing option and tried that and it does what it is supposed to. Although still when I resize the window and make it longer and less tall the slider gets cut off at the bottom. When I make it tall but thin the slider just shrinks accordingly and proportionally not cutting anything off.




    Towfiq I.


    Go to Asteria Options> Slider> Slider height and write auto

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