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Slider how to center the image

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Slider how to center the image

  • #143960



    I was wondering how can I center the image in the slider.
    I understand there is a minimal image width, but then for the height?
    I have some picture that are not centred on the slider.
    I just wonder if there is a way to center them…

    Thanks for help

    Asteria is really Great Theme



    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    it is
    the site is still under construction so I just put images on the front page slider.
    The main question is if it is possible to leave a minimum width and height (for example 1700 x 1200 px)
    to get the slider frame with this dimension and then be able to move the picture in this frame to center it.
    In this way, while dealing with different sizes photos I do not have to mess around reducing the photos dimension.
    For some picture I have to change the aspect ration if I want to show the main subject.

    In the slider you see on the site, some picture (ex the barracuda), even though it has the correct heigh compare to the settings (1000px) the picture is for example outside the small circles indicating the number of pictures.
    Some other pictures are not centered. (the heigh is different than 1000px)

    am I doing something wrong?



    I am having the same issue.
    In order to get my pictures to show from the top to the bottom in my slider the pictures have to have an unpleasant aspect ratio.
    What can I do to fix this.

    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    Please Go to Asteria Options> Slider and set the slider height to auto



    Is it possible to move the position of the slider text from the default to different areas for each slide?


    Towfiq I.


    sorry. thats not possible.

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