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Private Menus

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Private Menus

  • #214721


    I installed the Front End Users Plug in and I want to make the menu in Asteria private except only to users that are logged in. Is this possible and how can I do this?


    Towfiq I.


    sorry, thats not possible without custom coding..


    Leonardo Vannucci

    Hi, thanks for this marvellous Theme.

    I have a problem with my Menu. I really don’t understand how to set properly an “Home Page”
    Now I’m using my menù without an “Home” button. You can go back to Home using the Site Name.

    Wich kind of page “Home” need to be? If i leave it “blanck” it appears like an empty page with “Leave your comment” at the end.
    Can you help me? I can’t find anything about this in “Documentation”.

    Thanks a lot.


    Towfiq I.


    Go to Settings> Reading and select “Your latest Posts” as your homepage.

    and then Go to Appearance> Menus to add the “Home” button to your menu.


    Leonardo Vannucci

    Perfect! I was using another “Home” and not the Personalized one. Thanks a lot!

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