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Portfolio dropdown tab in main menu

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Portfolio dropdown tab in main menu

  • #120841

    melanie bund

    Am using your Asteria lite theme, which is great, clean and elegant, i have some questions if you can find the time to help it would be great:
    My big problem is that i have under the slideshow a portfolio section and as the slideshow is quite large and people can be very lazy they may not hover over the portfolio and enter to see so i would like to have a dropdown tab in the main menu for portfolio where the tabs link to the galleries, but as these galleries are posts is there any other way to link to them apart from creating external links to the individual posts (galleries)?
    The second small problem is the up arrow on the footer is overlapping the footer container, what is the css name so i an find and move to the right a little
    see below link to site

    thanks in advance for your patience


    Towfiq I.


    1. Go to Appearance> Menus and create Custom Link menu and add them to your menu.

    2. Sorry. I am not seeing the overlapping issue. can you send me a screenshot?

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