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Polish fonts ęął etc

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Polish fonts ęął etc

  • #123203


    How to display polish characters ?


    Towfiq I.


    Open up functions.php and remove this line:

    wp_enqueue_style('customfont',get_template_directory_uri().'/fonts/yanone_kaffeesatz.css', 'yanone_kaffeesatz' );



    Thank you for your answer. But it still doesn’t work correctly, now polish characters are well dispaly in Title but in other section, like blocks, posts etc still is the problem.


    Towfiq I.


    Add this to your Custom CSS:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #topmenu ul li a, .text_block, .lay1_title h3, #sidebar .widget .widgettitle, .left_arro, .right_arro, #submit, .logo h1 a, .logo h2 a, .widget_calendar caption, .rel_content a, #ast_related ul li a, .fourofour a{font-family:'Shadows Into Light'!important;}



    Now it works but only with Shadows Into Light. It doesn’t work with other google fonts. How to add another fonts form google fonts ?


    Towfiq I.


    you can only do that in the PRO version.



    Ok it also works with Century Gothi whta is fine for me, but it correctly display polish fonts only on main page. But in post still is wrong, please help.



    Bump, I have the same problem and it can’t really be fixed. By adding the line you’ve posted before the only thing that changes is the headers, not the post body. How can this be fixed? The font that is used for post body doesn’t support Polish characters (ę, ą, ś, ł, ż, ź, ć, ń).




    Well, you can use a workaround to this, you need to download the “Font” plugin, then you can change fonts inside the posts. It’s not ideal, but it’s something, until Towfiq decides if he wants to do anything with this. If you’d like to add another font that could be used, consider SansationLight, it is pretty similar to Yanone Kaffeesatz, that you seem to be linking a lot.

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