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On Asteria Options page, I cannot perform a "save changes" that saves a slide

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite On Asteria Options page, I cannot perform a "save changes" that saves a slide

  • #78129


    Hi, thank you so much for the forum. Love your template. I am unable save any slide. It works up to the point of hitting the “save changes” button, then screen refreshes default again.

    I spent hours today on a temp workaround:. For demo purposes I commented out “slider area” in index.php file, and inserted 3rd party slider code into header4.php. That messes up other things obviously and is not a solution.

    Here’s what I tried first:

    1. Asteria will not “save” any slides.
    2. Image will upload and/or insert from Media ok.
    3. It will appear in the expanded “New Slide” area ok too.
    4. Click “Save changes”, & screen refreshes to default/virgin state.

    (PS. if my hand-typed screenshot gets messed up below,actual screenshot .here

    Appearance->Asteria Options->Slider->

    Slider Type = Nivo Slider
    Pause Time Between Each Slide = 4000
    Slider Height = 500px
    Slide Font Style = 60px

    (expanded new slide section)
    (-) New Slide |
    ________________ |
    | The New Image | |
    | Shows Here OK | |
    | *WILL NOT SAVE | |
    —————- |
    _________ ________ |
    | Upload | | Remove | |
    ——— ——– |
    Title__________________________________________ |
    Description____________________________________ |
    URL___________________________________________ |
    Slide Text Layout |
    ________ _______ ________ |
    | Layout1 | | Layout2 | | Layout3 | |
    ———- ——— ——— |
    _____________ |
    | Delete Slide | |
    ————- |
    _____________ |
    | Add Slide | |
    ————– |
    _____________ _______________
    | Save Changes | | Reset to Default |
    ————- —————


    Towfiq I.


    each slide must have a title. Without a title a slide cannot be saved.


    Alex Crothers


    Would appreciate some support with this please.
    On the Pro edition I have been attempting to change colours, map co-ordinates, sub-headings and more. Click to save and does so, but if I change anything else every edit made reverts back to the original settings. The only thing I have not had a problem with is the slider.


    Towfiq I.



    Are you using a cache plugin? Can you please disable all the plugins and see if the issue is still there?



    Alex Crothers


    Was a new site and the only plugin at the time was askismet. Don’t ask but somehow edits eventually started saving. I am sure though that at some stage in the future when the time comes to update within the front page posts section, those same issues will arise. Job is done but lost hours on it.

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