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Number of post at the bottom

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Number of post at the bottom

  • #467599



    I’ve updated the template and I lost so many changes :_(
    One of them is the number of post in the blog that appears at the bottom. I had this because I changed something in the website source:

    number of post

    Now I have this:

    number of post

    How can I change it again? This display is really annoying for users.




    I’ve been searching and I found the change I did in the past:

    Its possible but you will have to disable the ajax functionality. To acheive this, open up layout1.php and replace this:
    ‘show_all’ => true,
    ‘show_all’ => false,
    then disable the “Ajax Pagination” from Asteria Theme Options page.

    I am looking for the instruction in layout1.php and I can’t find it. My site is:

    Thanks for your help!


    Towfiq I.


    it has been moved to functions.php now. Open up functions.php and press ctrl+f5 to search for show_all and then change the value to false.



    Thanks a lot! That worked!!!! 😀
    I have another question 🙂
    Would it be possible to make the grey shadow that appears in the post thumbnail a clickable area?



    Towfiq I.


    sorry. thats not possible actually.

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