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Nivo slider limit in smaller screensize?

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite Nivo slider limit in smaller screensize?

  • #29216


    I noticed that the Nivo-slider will show the pictures which are uploaded in full size when the window size will shrink to mobile-size. This makes the slider a jumpy feature (with pictures which have not the same size loaded in the Nivo-slider)…
    Apart from a solution like uploading custom made Slideshow pictures of all the same height is there also a script which I could add so the slider ís/stays responsive (with relative sizechange) but not jumping (downwards; the content of the page drops down) anymore in smaller screen-sizes?



    it looks like it jumps back to the original 400 pixels height… ? (but not in the proportions of the original 1000×400 px )


    Towfiq I.


    add this to your stylesheet, see of that changes anything:

    @media screen and (max-width: 500px){
    body .nivo-caption{position:relative!important;}
    body .nivo-caption p{width:100%!important;}



    Nope unfortunately not.. Tried adapting it IN the Mobile support also but still makes the pictures enlarge to the relative size in height.. I tried this though in the stylesheet > Mobile support

    body .slider-wrapper{ height:relative!important;}

    but then I noticed the “Slider Text” is going relative according to the bottomline of the pic but the NIVOslider itself not responsive anymore and now the image-cutoff-point remains 400px it does not shrink according to the relative width..

    Hmm, I hope you will say ask something impossible because then I will have the task of adapting the slide pictures to standard sizes.. Otherwise I enjoy to figure out a method to have this working ! (to have the Slider responsive and going higher (than 400px) relative to the width of the screen, I guess to a certain limit or the thing would disappear of course.. 🙂


    Towfiq I.


    Sorry for the late reply.

    height : relative is invalid, try this:

    body .slider-wrapper{ height:auto!important;}



    Hey Towfiq, no problem

    I tried it yesterday and then it doesn’t want to abide the lower limit of 400px at all and then even shows the whole picture…
    At least with the -> body .slider-wrapper{ height:relative!important;} <- it stays at 400px and hides the rest…
    What I meant/hope to get is that the height of the NIVO-slider will be responsive too to it’s width, not only the pictures in it… Say: in fullscreen it is 1000×400 px and I hope it will responsive/relatively shrink to (moblie) 480×160 px ? Or do you think that is too small? The result will be I hope to have a less restless jumping up and down in a small-screen-mode of the top-part… (when one is uploading different size photos in the NIVOslider…)



    Now: do I ask something strange? or am I just in a hunt for something which actually is virtually the same as Flex-slider?


    Towfiq I.


    if you want the height to resize to match its width. you will have to make change the height value to “auto”.



    Having the same issue at
    I’m trying the same thing and your instructions didn’t work for me.


    Towfiq I.


    Kevin you are using a different theme. for your theme (Asteria Lite) there is an option to change the slider height from Appearance> Asteria Options> Slider. Change the height of the slider to 285px

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