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new menu

Home Forums Free Theme Support Triton Lite new menu

  • #152079


    I love this theme. However, I am really hopeless at editing (usually pay someone to do it for me) – but I am trying to learn. I am trying to add more menu options ( – I have already done something to make it go wrong.
    It should have HOME, BIO, CRUISERS’ AA . . . ETC , but somehow I have put the sub menus at the main menus! (I have no idea how I did this!).

    Can you provide, clear, simple instructions on how to create a new menu (and I guess, therefore a page, so I can put the page under the menu) – and also how I revert back the sub menus, under the main menus,.

    I have read through Word press help, but I still don’t get it – perhaps I am destined to keep paying someone – excuse my lack of technical abilities!
    Thank you!


    Towfiq I.


    Please Go to Appearance> Menus to setup the menu properly. watch this video to learn how to do that: