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Menu colour not working

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Menu colour not working

  • #458842


    Having a strange issue with the colour of the menus. Changing them in the backend (theme editor) does work for a while in preview mode. I can see the right colour (should be green #9FBC79). When I reload the website ( the link colour stays white, so it’s unvisible. When I go back to the editor mode again the colour is white there as well although the colour is correct (#9FBC79). Any thoughts what could help. Thanks in advance!



    Short addition: I am using Asteria Pro 1.0.2


    Towfiq I.


    Looks like a bug. I will upload an update pretty soon. Meanwhile you can fix it by going to Appearance> Editor > style.php and replace this:

    body .header2 .head_contact, body .head_contact, body .topsearch #s{ color:<?php echo $asteria['menutxt_color_id']; ?>!important;}

    with this:

    body .header2 .head_contact, body .head_contact, body .topsearch #s, #topmenu ul li a{ color:<?php echo $asteria['menutxt_color_id']; ?>!important;}

    Please let me know if you find any other bug.



    Gianfranco De Luca


    How change Menù background color in header 2?


    Towfiq I.


    You can change the header background color from Asteria Options> Style


    Gianfranco De Luca


    Asteria Option\Topography settings\Font messages titles , headers and Menu not working.
    Asteria Option\Topography settings\Text Style Site Content not working.



    Towfiq I.


    You can’t change the fonts?


    Gianfranco De Luca


    yes, i can not


    Towfiq I.


    Can you see all the fonts or just a few fonts? Can you send me your site’s username and password through this page:


    I need to examine the issue from the backend..




    Hi, works great for me. Colour is now as defined. Thanks for your quick reply!



    Is the location for the fix the same in Astoria Pro – I am not finding it. Also I found another bug in the mobile – My widgets are running side by side into one another instead of vertically as before. Thanks.



    My issue is with header 1 but I switched to header 4 which is fine. I’m still having issues with mobile widgets.


    Towfiq I.


    Tina can you post your site address here?


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