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Link Google+ to website

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Link Google+ to website

  • #128131



    I am trying to link Google+ to my website and tried to add

    the following ways:

    * Add it to header.php through admin >> Nothing showed in header and once adding this it messed everything up and Google+ was not able to find the code anyway

    * Change header.php and then FTP it to my website >> Google was not able to find it as well

    Any idea ?


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    Towfiq I.


    what line did you add?

    I am not seeing anything new in your header.php



    Yes, I checked and when updating from 0.7 >> 0.8 it seems it changed the header.

    Anyway, I have updated the previous one, please have a look!



    Towfiq I.


    you added the code wrong. why dont you just use this plugin instead of editing the template files:




    I tested but didn’t work out for business web registration (This was linking my personal account) but not confirming I am owning the website (as you might have understood with all the support requests, I am not geek at all as well :))

    Anyway, I have found another option, i.e. to ftp a blank index.html file, validate with google and then remove the index.html file

    Best R.

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