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How to modify home page

Home Forums Free Theme Support Zenon Lite How to modify home page

  • #49553


    Good morning, I am trying to modify a site made by an ex collague time ago that use Zenon.
    I have some problem because I don’t understand how to work on the home page. In the settings I only see (front page>blocks) 4 different blocks each with the fields for heading and for the text. I also would like to put more picture in the slideshow in the home page and change the pics in all the other pages of the site that use the slideshow.
    Also I must insert in the home the code for web statistics so I need the possibility to add code and text and images on the HP.
    Can you please tell me how to do that?
    Thank you so much for a prompt reply, I am working for this resort in these days and if I will not find a quick solution with Zenon I must make a totally new site… 🙁


    Towfiq I.


    what else do you want to modify on frontpage?
    and do you want the stats code only on your frontpage?


    I also would like to modify frontpage. I would like to have 3 bocks and besides them a colum with static text. How can I do that?

    Thanks in advanced


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address Juan? you can already use the 4th block to display static text.

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