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how to align pictures in the slider

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite how to align pictures in the slider

  • #379909


    hello, i want to add some pictures of cars into the asteria lite slider.

    but every picture i put in don’t show the whole car.. mostly just a part.

    i have tried to resize the pictures but not giving the right effect.. i tried to play with the height box .. without succes.

    Only when i put “auto” in the height box the picture shows correct.. but its so much blown up that the clickable boxes in the menu are off my screen.. ( need to scroll down for them ) not really the way i want on a homepage. this occurs even with pictures with about 300pix in height.

    is there any way to align these pictures so they will show correct in the slider ?

    thnx in advance



    been reading other posts about this. .. i made all slides same size 1600×560 and it was still cut off. even downsized them to 1314×460 with same result.
    only thing that seems to work is putting height on auto or 660px to show them correctly. but as said .. my buttons under the slider aren’t visible anymore on the homepage.

    dunno what to do about it


    Towfiq I.


    In the Asteria Options> Slider> Slider Height field, write auto

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