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Home page and options translation

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Home page and options translation

  • #73172

    Lumiere de Lune

    Actually, I thought I had posted it, but the question is : how do I translate the homepage and other options, when I have a multilingual website ? They don’t appear in the string translation page of WPML (which is the most used WP Plugin for multilingual websites)


    Towfiq I.


    Yes I saw that while developing the theme, I followed the instruction that they described in their documentation, but strangely none worked.

    You can translate your strings using shortcodes, First add this to your functions.php

    and then add your shortcodes like this from your theme options page:

    [wpml_translate lang="en"]Your English Text Here...[/wpml_translate]




    I’m using mqTranslate to translate.
    Is there a possible way to translate the homepage with this?

    Kind regards,


    Towfiq I.


    you can if they have shortcode support. do they have shortcodes?



    Thnx for the quick response.

    I don’t know for mqTranslate, but qTranslate has shortcodes 🙂

    [:en] English text [:de] Deutsch text [:off] Text for all languages

    PS: Thanks for Asteria


    Towfiq I.


    can you try this shortcode in the “welcome text” field from the theme options page and see if works?



    Found a little problem trying to get all languages after an shortcode.
    But found a solution:
    <!--:en-->English text<!--:--><!--:de-->Deutsch text<!--:--><!--:hu-->Hungarian text<strong><!--:--></strong>All language text


    My “welcome text” field is currently

    <!-- Intro -->
    <h2>Welkom op de officiële website van Jolien De Gendt</h2>
    <p>Kies een andere taal:</p>
    <h2>[:en]Welcome to the official website of Jolien De Gendt</h2>
    <p>Choose a language:</p>
    <h2>Bienvenue sur le site officiel de Jolien De Gendt</h2>
    <p>Choisissez une langue: </p>
    <h2>Willkommen auf der offiziellen Website von Jolien De Gendt</h2>
    <p>Wählen Sie eine Sprache:</p>
    <h2>Bienvenido a la página oficial de Jolien De Gendt </h2>
    <p>Elija un idioma: </p>
    <a href="" title="Nederlands">Nederlands</a> |
    <a href="" title="Français">Français</a> |
    <a href="" title="English">English</a> |
    <a href="" title="Deutsch">Deutsch</a> |
    <a href="" title="日本語">日本語</a> |
    <a href="" title="Español">Español</a> 

    Towfiq I.


    how is this displayed on the frontend?

    and can you check if there is “do_shortcode” text in your content-welcome-text.php file?



    Welcome to the official website of Jolien De Gendt

    Choose a language:
    Nederlands | Français | English | Deutsch | 日本語 | Español

    Bienvenue sur le site officiel de Jolien De Gendt

    Choisissez une langue:
    Nederlands | Français | English | Deutsch | 日本語 | Español


    This is the full code of the content-welcome-text.php

    <?php global $asteria;?>
    <?php $welcome = $asteria['home_sort_id']; if(!empty($welcome['welcome-text'])){ ?>
    <!--Text Block START-->
    	<?php if ( asteria_is_mobile() && (!empty($asteria['hide_mob_welcm'])) ) { ?>
        <?php }else{ ?>
        <div class="text_block">
        <div class="text_block_wrap"><div class="center"><?php echo do_shortcode($asteria['welcm_textarea_id']); ?></div></div>
        <?php } ?>
    <!--Text Block END-->
    <?php } ?>

    There is a do_shortcode on line 7
    <?php echo do_shortcode($asteria['welcm_textarea_id']); ?>

    PS: Can’t you show a preview of the text you post on this forum?
    Or change it afterwards?


    Towfiq I.


    Just checked your site. the Shortcode works great I see..



    I’ve try to add this in functions.php but there is a parse error in line 21 in this code, can you help me?
    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    @Cecilia open up functions.php and add this:

    /***WPML Translation Shortcode****/
    if(! function_exists('wpex_wpml_lang_translate')) {
            function wpex_wpml_lang_translate( $atts, $content = null ) {
                            'lang' => '',
                    ), $atts));
                    $current_lang = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; //get WPL current language
                    if($lang == $current_lang){
                        return do_shortcode($content);
            add_shortcode('wpml_translate', 'wpex_wpml_lang_translate');

    after this:

    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'asteria_home_query' );



    Thank you!
    Unfortunately continues to report an error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN in /var/www/virtual/nomesito/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/asteria-lite/functions.php on line 30

    I tried also to insert it in an editor (dreamweaver) and also reports the error. You will find the image of the screen here:


    Towfiq I.


    copy all the code of your fucntions.php after adding the code and paste it in a page and share it here.



    Towfiq I.


    there is a sytanx error in the code. a bracket was missing. try this:

    /***WPML Translation Shortcode****/
    if(! function_exists('wpex_wpml_lang_translate')) {
            function wpex_wpml_lang_translate( $atts, $content = null ) {
                            'lang' => '',
                    ), $atts));
                    $current_lang = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; //get WPL current language
                    if($lang == $current_lang){
                        return do_shortcode($content);
            add_shortcode('wpml_translate', 'wpex_wpml_lang_translate');


    Thank you. Now there isn’t syntax errors, I can save “functions.php” without problems. But i tried to add your shortcodes like this:
    [wpml_language language=”en”]Your English Text Here…[/wpml_language] in the welcome text and doesn’t work. Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance the theme is very cute.


    Towfiq I.


    does your content-welcome-text.php contains this:

    <?php echo do_shortcode($asteria['welcm_textarea_id']); ?>



    Yes, there is.
    But the shortcode like this [wpml_language language=”en”]Your English Text Here…[/wpml_language] doesn’t work.
    I see the same code in the front end.
    Thank you.


    Towfiq I.


    are you adding the code in text mode or html mode? try in both modes and see if that worked…



    I tried all (visual and html) and doesn’t work.



    Hi Towfiq,

    I made a website in two different languages using the Polylang plugin. How can I make two different homepages (one in English and one in Spanish) using your theme?

    Kind regards,



    Towfiq I.


    @Cecilia send me your site’s id/pass through this page:


    I will look into it when I have some time.

    @Isis whats your site address?



    Thank you, I sent you an email with site’s id / pass and address.


    Towfiq I.


    sorry guys. it should have been:

    [wpml_translate lang="en"]Your English Text Here...[/wpml_translate]
    [wpml_translate lang="it"]Your Italian Text Here...[/wpml_translate]

    @Cecilia check your site. Fixed it.

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