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Font's issue in Firefox and IE

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Font's issue in Firefox and IE

  • #476913


    Hi there,

    First of all, love the Theme and all the work you’re doing.

    I’m having an issue with Firefox and IE where the font for the entire site uses the default Times new roman, some times it’s only on the menus and other times it only effects the headings. It happens occasionally in Chrome but most of the time it’s fine. The font’s is all over the place. I host with GoDaddy and use



    Towfiq I.


    Adam, just checked your site with Firefox and the icons load fine..



    The icons and text are there but it’s times new roman when it should be FontAwesome.



    Ok, I reloaded the Theme and most of the fonts came back except for the Logo and slider headings.

    In asteria-config.php under setup_framework_options() i changed font-family to Arial. This has fixed the issues.

    Under the typeface options when i change the font it seems to be missing this entry.

    ‘default’ => array(




    Scrap all that, the Logo and Slider heading fonts are still defaulting to Times New roman in IE and Firefox.



    Ok, I found the issue, turns out to be a bug.

    If there’s a text footer with no content, Firefox and IE will not apply styles such as “Logo font, Slider header font and Rounded corners”.


    Towfiq I.


    Thats weird. So if you add footer content, the icons load fine?

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