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Exif data

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Exif data

  • #417828

    Martin Van de Moortel

    I’m a photographer and like your theme very much to present some of my work.
    I’m using ‘the beautify my galleries’ and ‘lightbox’ features to show my images.
    I want to share some exif data (Aperture, shutter speed, ISO…) with the viewers for each image when you select an image from the thumbnail list or present it in the lightbox.
    Is there a way to do this?
    I’m willing to buy the pro theme or even another theme supporting this possibility.


    Towfiq I.


    how are you loading the exif data? are calling it with a plugin? or does your image already contains the exif data?

    let me know.


    Martin Van de Moortel

    I’m using a plugin called Exifography. This plugin generates for each image a shortcode example: [exif id=”868″]


    Towfiq I.


    can you post a page link where the exif data is visible.


    Martin Van de Moortel

    1. If you point at a thumbnail you will see the exif data pop-up. To do so I had to add the code from point 2. The way it displays now is not the way I want.
    I would like to see it on the page itself, on the right or left side. (Page template with a left side bar).

    2. I added this code in the functions.php (found on the Exifography website)

    function my_image_titles($atts,$img) {
    if (function_exists(‘exifography_display_exif’))
    $atts[‘title’] = trim(strip_tags( $img->post_title )) .’ ‘. exifography_display_exif(‘aperture,shutter,iso,focal_length’,$img->ID);
    $atts[‘title’] = trim(strip_tags( $img->post_title ));

    return $atts;

    3. Another problem I have is that sometimes the big image associated with the first thumbnail does not open. If I click on the thumb, only half of the image is displayed.
    I have to refresh the page to solve it?


    Martin Van de Moortel

    For point 3, I found a solution in one of the topics replacing the gallery.js with this code But now the Lightbox doesn’t work anymore!


    Towfiq I.


    The I just checked the gallery and the lightbox. its working fine. About the Exif, its being added as the title of the image right? when you hover over the the thumbnails the exif data is being shown? correct?


    Martin Van de Moortel

    – The lightbox is working because I restored the original code. With the code found here the lightbox doesn’t work anymore.
    Original code = Lightbox working but problem opening the first image.
    New code = Problem with opening the first image solved but Lightbox not working.
    – About the Exif it is indeed appended to the title of the image.


    Martin Van de Moortel


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