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Description when sharing on facebook

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Description when sharing on facebook

  • #139595


    hey brother . when I share my website link on facebook, the description contains various coding – i would like it to provide a description instead – see image here:

    How can I fix this?

    Also, if I have a guest post, how do I change the name of the author for the blog post? Is there a code I can input to change the name>


    Towfiq I.




    I have the same problem. I tried the plugin and it didn’t help.

    This is an important feature on modern web sites, and it’s a problem with Twitter too. Is there an update to the theme available that could fix this?


    Towfiq I.


    This featured is considered as plugin territory, hence I avoided adding any special code to add this feature to this theme. You will have to find which plugin works for you:


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