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Child Theme or no Child Theme, that is the question!

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Child Theme or no Child Theme, that is the question!

  • #218409


    Hello all,

    I have just downloaded Asteria Lite and was wondering whether it is necessary to make a child theme before starting or whether you can rely on just using the Custom CSS box?

    Also, was looking for the left side navigation page template, but could not find it. Is it in the PRO version?




    Pam Muirheid

    I think I found the left side nav template. Under Appearance, I went to Editor and the templates are stored there. I guess once I create a page, I can choose which template in the page section?

    I just tried creating a child theme and when I went to the dashboard, I got this message:

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    Asteria Lite Child Theme The parent theme is missing. Please install the “asteria lite” parent theme.

    I created a file called style.css and placed it within a folder called asteria-lite-child. This is the code in the style.css file:

    @charset “UTF-8”;
    /* CSS Document */

    Theme Name: Asteria Lite Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Description: Asteria Lite Child Theme
    Author URI:
    Template: asteria lite
    Version: 1.0.0

    @import url(“../asteria-lite/style.css”);

    /* =Theme customization starts here
    ——————————————————- */

    I have installed Asteria Lite already so not sure what that means.

    Can anyone help with this? Thanks!



    Pam Muirheid

    I’ve looked on the web and read different articles on how to set up a child theme and I’m doing everything properly so I cannot understand why I get this message:

    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    Asteria-Lite Child Theme The parent theme is missing. Please install the “Asteria Lite” parent theme.

    The parent theme, Asteria Lite, is clearly there in front of my eyes under Themes, so what does it mean?

    Please can anyone help? I cannot get started on the site if I cannot set up the child theme. Thanks in advance.



    Pam Muirheid

    Got an answer on For anyone with same problem, it was a simple fix. Just needed to name the Template: asteria-lite with the hyphen. Doh! Works now.

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