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change the "read more" button in Blog

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite change the "read more" button in Blog

  • #363171



    I just want to know how can I change the text of the button “read more”

    Actually I must translate it in another languages.

    This is my site in 6 languages already, the only thing it least is the “read more” button




    Towfiq I.


    its because the theme is not translated to portuguese.. what plugin did you use to make your site multilingual?



    Im using


    I just want to find the php with the “read more” text so I can change it
    like it already did in the contact form with this kind of lines:


    Is it possible to find the text and do it that way?

    Im running Asteria Pro 0.7
    (I dont want to update the theme ifs possible)



    Towfiq I.


    open up functions.php and replace this:

    return '<br><a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">'.__('+ Read More', 'asteria').'</a>';

    with this:

    return '<br><a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">'.do_shortcode('[:en]Name*[:de]Name*[:nl]Naam*[:es]Nombre*[:pt]Nome*[:fr]Nom*').'</a>';

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