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bug with theron lite pro

Home Forums Free Theme Support Theron Lite bug with theron lite pro

  • #267341


    Here are some issues I have to deal with since up grading.
    1/ I can’t access to the “personalized” options in the “appearance” menu …the URL link is “flashing” continuously like it was searching without success…the page appears but I can’t do changes inside…
    2/ my logo is note visible in the homepage but appears in other pages
    3/ the police is note the same between pages
    What should I do?
    Thank you in advance



    4/ could you please remind the police by default of the free version? I would like to use it in the pro version but I can’t find it.

    here is the link if the home page with a question mark instead of the logo:

    here is another page you’ll see the police is different of the homepage but my logo appears well

    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    Please upload the logo again. its broken:

    3. what do you mean by “police”?



    problems 1 and 2 solved by disabling all the plug in.
    problem 3 solved after a few days…I don’t know how.

    “Police” is the French word for “font”…sorry 🙂
    So could you specify what was the font by default of theron lite free version so I can use it for the pro version?
    Thank you


    Towfiq I.


    the font name is yanone kaffeesatz



    ok thank you

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