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Adding New Social Link Buttons to Left Side of Site

Home Forums Free Theme Support Zenon Lite Adding New Social Link Buttons to Left Side of Site

  • #77578

    Angela Palladino

    Hi there,

    I currently have the blocks Twitter, G+, YouTube, LinkedIn, and RSS set up. I would to add block links here for Vimeo and IMDb if possible. Is there a way I can do this?



    Angela Palladino

    Towfiq I.


    For Vimeo

    open up header.php and add this line:

    <li class="soc_vim"><a title="Vimeo" target="_blank" href="your vimeo link here">Vimeo</a></li>

    after this line:

    <li class="soc_rss"><a title="Rss Feed" target="_blank" href="<?php echo of_get_option('rsssoc_text'); ?>">RSS</a></li><?php } ?>

    Then add this to the very bottom of your stylesheet:

    .social ul .soc_vim a{ background:url(“”) no-repeat!important;}

    .social ul .soc_vim a:hover{ background:url(“”) no-repeat!important;}

    for IMDB


    First open up header.php and add this line:

    <li class="soc_imdb"><a title="IMDB" target="_blank" href="put your imdb url here...">IMDB</a></li>

    after this line:

    <li class="soc_rss"><a title="Rss Feed" target="_blank" href="<?php echo of_get_option('rsssoc_text'); ?>">RSS</a></li><?php } ?>

    then add this to your stylesheet:

    .social ul .soc_imdb a{ background:url("") no-repeat!important;}


    Angela Palladino

    This only half worked. The IMDB link worked, but the Vimeo button is not showing up. The link is there but the button appears to be invisible.

    See what I mean here:


    Towfiq I.


    sorry. for vimeo try this:

    First open up header.php and add this line:

    <li class="soc_vim"><a title="Vimeo" target="_blank" href="put your vimeo url here...">Vimeo</a></li>

    after this line:

    <li class="soc_rss"><a title="Rss Feed" target="_blank" href="<?php echo of_get_option('rsssoc_text'); ?>">RSS</a></li><?php } ?>

    then add this to your stylesheet:

    .social ul .soc_vim a{ background:url(“;) no-repeat!important;}




    This still did not work. The link is there but the button is invisible. Can you please take a look again? Thank you!



    Towfiq I.


    from your stylesheet, replace this line:

    .social ul .soc_vim a{ background:url(“”) no-repeat!important;}

    with this:

    .social ul .soc_vim a{ background:url("") no-repeat!important;}



    This worked!!! Thank you!




    How to add social network to the left side?


    Towfiq I.


    Do you have an icon of can you share the icon/image?

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