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Adding images to the footer

Home Forums Free Theme Support Zenon Lite Adding images to the footer

  • #458633



    I’m actually a premium user but couldnt work out where the premium forums are?

    Anyway, love the theme. I want to add a logo on the bottom of the page in the footer section. Also the text i add to the footer seems to automatically format itself so I cannot put text on different lines. its quite annoying. how do i do this?

    Also I think the slider needs an update as the photos come out weird. is it possible to buy a different slider as an add on?




    Towfiq I.


    Oliver you need to login first to see the Premium Forum.

    1. How did you add the image? did you add the image by clicking the “Add media” button?

    2. Can you please elaborate on what you mean by come out weird?


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