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Add a left sidebar for a new widget

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Add a left sidebar for a new widget

  • #623683


    Hi Towfiq,
    I really love the theme, and now I’m currently build my wordpress using Asteria Lite, so now I have 2 problems,

    1. I want to add a new widget, but the current property only have on the right sidebar and on footer, so how I can add a widget, or more precisely, How must I do to have a left sidebar in order place a new widget?
    2. I have a custom footer, and the problem is I really want to let the desktop version as they are now, and make the text centerized on @media, I’m already add a custom code below all the @media exist in the style.php, but everytime I see from phone/tab the text are still left-aligned, can you help me with this? thanks

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