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Add a block on the front page

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite Add a block on the front page

  • #363128


    Hi! How can I add another block on the front page?


    Towfiq I.


    sorry Ana thats not possible.



    I add this code to content-blocks.php:

    <!–BLOCK5 START–>

    <div class=”midrow_block”>
    <div class=”mid_block_content”>
    <div class=”block_img”><div class=”icon_wrap”><i class=”fa-cog fa-2x”></i></div></div>

    <h3>block5 title</h3>
    block5 content


    <!–BLOCK5 END–>

    But I can only see it if I access the site by my android cellphone, if I access through the pc I canĀ“t see it.
    What can I do? Thank you.


    Towfiq I.


    whats your site address?



    Towfiq I.


    Add this to your Custom CSS:

    .midrow_block{ opacity:1!important;}



    It works, thank you so much. But now the problem is that the block that I add isn’t aligned with the others. How can I fix it?


    Towfiq I.


    Add this to your Custom CSS:




    Hello again! I’m using qtranslate-x to translate my website. The only thing that I can’t translate so far was the content-block that I add with this code:

    <!ā€“BLOCK5 STARTā€“>

    <div class=ā€midrow_blockā€>
    <div class=ā€mid_block_contentā€>
    <div class=ā€block_imgā€><div class=ā€icon_wrapā€><i class=ā€fa-cog fa-2xā€></i></div></div>

    <h3>block5 title</h3>
    block5 content


    <!ā€“BLOCK5 ENDā€“>

    How can I translate the title of this content block? Thank you for the help.

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