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1st slide 1st time

Home Forums Free Theme Support Asteria Lite 1st slide 1st time

  • #469082



    I love your theme.

    But it seems to have developed a bug. The first time that the first slide appears on my site: the text is all over the place. Then next time it cycles around it’s fine. So are all the other slides. Regardless of which slide is first or which settings I change the scrambling remains.

    Please advise.


    Towfiq I.


    I dont see it. can you send me a screenshot of the issue?



    That’s good that you can’t see it but strangely I still can.
    Not sure how to send you an email so here’s a link to the first slide.
    Warmest regards,



    The above was a link to the screenshot as requested.

    Any idea what’s causing the misalignment?
    Anything I can do at my end?



    Towfiq I.


    I checked out the screenshot. Are you using chrome? I am not seeing the issue. Can you please try with a different pc and see if its happening on that one too?




    Thanks for checking.

    It happens on my ubuntu pc using firefox and chrome.
    It also happens on my android tablet using firefox and chrome.

    Sometimes when it takes a long time to load, the text doesn’t appear before it moves to the next slide so it doesn’t appear misaligned.

    I think it started happening after I deleted the first slide in the slider options. Now even if I try and re-order the slides, it still happens to whichever one is first.


    Towfiq I.


    Try removing this from your style.css:

    .sld3wrap{ width:75%!important; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; left:15%!important; bottom: 20%; text-align:center;}




    It worked!

    Lovely, Thank you so much 🙂



    This was helpful as I had the same issue. Now though when I use layout3 on the first slide it does not properly form the top box header. I have attached an image for the first slide the first time showing and then the first slide for the second time showing.

    (was going to create a new thread but could not find where to do that)

    First Time (messed up)

    Second Time (correct)



    Sorry that was layout1 not 3

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